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The latest from the kNOwBOX dance Film Festival.
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NBFF 2021 Official Selction
The official kNOwBOX dance Film Festival 2021 selection features 24 dance films of both national and international filmmakers from Australia, Bulgaria, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Norway, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom, and the United States. Films are experimental, multicultural, multigenre, and technological representations of dance. The films take the kNOwBOX dance tagline “say NO to the BOX” to unexpected places and offer stunning landscapes, emotional narratives, and thought-evoking reflections that invite the viewers familiar and new to dance and film to think outside of the box.

Click the images below to access filmmaker spotlights.

NBFF 2021 Open Call
Submitting Your Project to the kNOwBOX dance Film Festival 2021.
In its 3rd year as an independent film festival, the mission for the NBFF is to curate dance films that explore an innovative approach to collaboration, mixed media, and interdisciplinary filmmaking. These films are selected based on challenging the possibilities of what dance can look like in video form. The NBFF values experimental, multicultural, multigenre, and technological dance films.

Summer Short Series
A short film is a dance-related film 1:00 minute or less.
General Submissions
A dance film 2-15 minutes.
Dance Documentaries
A documentary film is a dance-related documentary film 1-35 minutes.

Photos courtesy of kNOwBOX dance Film Festival 2020 "Circadian Cycle" by Australian Dance Theatre, "Speedy Spider" by Paula Alvala & Margreet Nuijten, Pilgramage by Marlene Millar.
NBFF 2020 Submission Categories
Summer Short Series (NBSSS)
A short film is a dance-related film 1:00 minute or less.
Selected films will be screened on @knowboxdance social media accounts for a limited time in early August 2021 and the NBFF 2021 Festival line up.
say NO to the BOX General Sumbissions
A dance film 2-15 minutes.
Dance-Related Documentaries
A documentary film is a dance-related documentary film 1-35 minutes.
Get more details and set up your Filmmaker account at filmfreeway.com/knowboxdancefilmfestival.